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Wella Pro Blondor Permanent Liquid Toner

Now: $9.99

What it is:
If you want the perfect blonde, you need Wella Pro Blondor Liquid Toner! It’s a permanent toner that comes in 5 different shades of blonde. There’s also a brass kicker shade that you can use to cancel out brassiness.

What it does:
You can use this toner after bleaching or lightening to correct the tone of your hair. It takes only 10 minutes to complete the toning process.

What else you need to know:
This toner won’t over deposit, which makes it the perfect toner for non-professionals. Also, you can mix any toners from the Pro Blondor line to create the perfect blonde. For the best result, you should pre-lighten your hair to half a shade lighter than you want your final result to be.

Wella Pro Blondor Permanent Liquid Toner
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